Sunday 09 March 2025



Ilam University of Medical Sciences - School of Dentistry

Orthodontics Department

Introducing the educational group:

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry. The main field of activity of this department includes prevention, diagnosis and treatment of dental malformations, teaching how to bend the wire and prepare various orthodontic plates, how to perform clinical examinations, molding, And orthodontic mold cutting, radiographic analysis, malocclusion treatment design and treatment of patients after preparation of various plaques and in the proposed field has theoretical and practical educational activities for general doctoral students as well as research activities.

General education program for general doctoral students (general course):

General dental students usually receive an orthodontic unit from the seventh semester. Orthodontic courses are 4 practical units (one unit per semester) and 3 theoretical units. Therefore, students have only practical orthodontics unit in the last semester, and orthodontics theory is completed one semester before the end of studies.Practical orthodontics currently includes one pre-clinical term and 3 practical terminologies on the patient. In the pre-clinic course, students are introduced to how to bend wire (wire bending) and prepare various orthodontic plates. They are also taught how to perform clinical examinations, molding and cutting orthodontic molds, drawing on cephalometric radiography and cephalometric analysis. In the next 3 semesters (clinic), students will test what they have learned on patients and get acquainted with the design of various malocclusions and start treating patients after preparing different plaques, creases and functional devices.

How to educate patients:

Includes hygienic instructions for keeping orthodontic removable plates clean. They are also taught how to use plates and related instructions, such as the required hours of license plate use.



• Adherence to Islamic values ​​and preservation of human dignity

• Administrative discipline and central program in educational affairs

• Integrity as the foundation of organizational communication

• Belief in the continuous and continuous improvement of the quality of educational processes

• Continuous improvement of the quality of diagnosis and treatment and obtaining patient satisfaction

Group activities:

• Examining patients and preparing an archive of all of them for the next admission by the general students under the supervision of the faculty.

• Forming a file for each of the patients admitted to the ward and performing clinical examinations, preparing radiographs and tracing it, preparing photographs and analyzing it, preparing dental casts and related analyzes under the supervision of supervisors.

• Holding patient diagnosis sessions after completing the documents.

• Holding treatment design sessions after completing the diagnostic information.

• Treatment of patients and follow-up treatment and its results during at least 2 years of clinical work.

• Presentation of treatment results in case presentation.

• Daily question and answer sessions for all students by the professors of the department.

• Holding student seminars during the day.

• Holding weekly theoretical classes based on the number of units.

• Prepare lesson plans for all theoretical units.

• Holding practical internship exams at the end of the semester as OSCE.

• Preparing an educational guide for incoming students.

• Organize monthly group meetings.

• Participate in domestic and foreign seminars and provide retraining.

• Trying to communicate with other departments.

• Extensive participation of members in training workshops.

• Activities of group members in the executive positions of the faculty, the faculty education development center, the research councils of the dental research center and the university's board of directors.

• Physical development commensurate with the goals and growth of the group.

• Provide the necessary facilities to access educational resources.

ه Group meetings:

The meetings of the orthodontics group are held every 3 weeks on Tuesdays at 11 o'clock in the presence of the esteemed members of the group and a copy of the minutes is sent to the esteemed educational deputy of the faculty.


Group tools and equipment:

• 7 units in the public sector